Deductions from your paycheck can drastically reduce the amount of money you earn. While tax deductions are legal and unavoidable, other deductions your employer makes may be unlawful. To protect yourself against illegal deductions, you should reach out to a Minneapolis employment lawyer if you notice any suspicious deductions on your paycheck.
At Madia Law, we have a long history of helping employees in Minnesota protect themselves against predatory employers. Our team has represented clients in countless paycheck deduction cases, taking cases to court and winning favorable outcomes. Get in touch today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our employment lawyers in Minneapolis.
An Illegal Paycheck Deductions Attorney in Minneapolis Can Help Identify Employer Misconduct
Any paycheck you receive will have line item deductions for taxes. Additionally, you may have other deductions taken out of your paycheck for various reasons. While your employer may have the legal right to garnish your wages in certain circumstances, you may also fall victim to illegal deductions.
If you notice any deductions on your paycheck that seem suspicious or if you believe your tax deductions are higher than they should be, you might want to consult an experienced attorney. If your employer is taking money out of your paycheck illegally, you have the right to sue them to recover your lost income.
In addition to standard tax deductions, other circumstances under which your wages can be garnished legally include:
- If you are a member of a labor union with a collective bargaining agreement that allows for certain deductions to be made under specific circumstances
- If deductions are required by a court order to pay a legal obligation
- If you work as a commissioned salesperson under rules that permit deductions based on performance
- If you willingly gave your written permission for your employer to make deductions to repay the cost of a loan or purchase from your employer
- If your actions caused your employer losses and you either gave your permission for wage deductions to repay the loss voluntarily or if you were found liable for the losses in court
Legal Deductions that Must Be Repaid
Your employer is also allowed to deduct certain items from your paycheck as long as they repay the deductions at the conclusion of your employment. For example, they can deduct up to $50 to pay for required equipment or uniforms you rented or purchased.
Additionally, your employer can deduct the cost of consumable supplies and travel expenses you incur during your employment. However, these deductions can not reduce your pay rate to below minimum wage, and all deductions will need to be repaid once you leave your employment.
For a legal consultation with a illegal paycheck deductions lawyer serving Minneapolis, call 612-349-2729
Pay Attention to the Filing Deadline When Pursuing an Illegal Paycheck Deductions Lawsuit
When attempting to recover compensation through an illegal paycheck deductions lawsuit, you need to secure the services of an experienced attorney shortly after discovering that your wages were garnished. Your lawyer will ensure that all the required paperwork gets prepared and filed well in advance of the deadline to give you the best odds of a favorable case result.
Under Minnesota law, illegal paycheck deduction victims have two years to submit their lawsuit against their employer. If you can prove that your employer intentionally violated the law, the filing deadline can be extended to three years.
Regardless of the filing deadline, it is always advisable to act as quickly as possible in these cases. For these lawsuits, a “look back period” applies that limits the period for which you can recover to a corresponding two or three years before the date you file. That means that waiting until near the deadline could limit your recovery to the deductions of a single paycheck or two.
Minneapolis Illegal Paycheck Deductions Lawyer Near Me 612-349-2729
Other Employment Violations Your Employer May Have Committed
If your employer willfully violated the law by deducting money from your paycheck, there is a strong possibility that they have taken other illegal action to increase their profit margins. An experienced illegal paycheck deductions lawyer in Minneapolis can conduct a thorough investigation into your employer to determine if they are guilty of any other offenses.
Some of the most common violations of employment law include:
- Minimum wage violations
- Wrongful termination
- Unpaid overtime
- Workplace discrimination
If you were subjected to any type of employment violation, getting help from an experienced employment attorney will put you in the best position to recover compensation and hold your employer accountable.
Click to contact our Minneapolis Employment Lawyers today
Reach Out to an Experienced Minneapolis Illegal Paycheck Deductions Attorney Today
If you are pursuing compensation for illegal paycheck deductions, securing the services of an experienced lawyer can be essential. While you can represent yourself if you so choose, your odds of recovering fair compensation will significantly increase when you work with a legal professional.
At Madia Law, we pride ourselves on our track record at trial. We will never shy away from taking your case to court to ensure you recover the money you need and deserve. Contact us today by filling out our online contact form or giving us a call and schedule your free case consultation with someone from our team.
Call 612-349-2729 or complete a Case Evaluation form