Making a living can be hard enough when you receive the full amount you are entitled to. When your employer makes illegal deductions from your paycheck, it is critical to hold them accountable so you can get the money you are owed and prevent future losses. An Edina illegal paycheck deductions attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.
At Madia Law, we have a long history of helping people who have been mistreated by their employers. We have handled countless employment-based lawsuits and will work tirelessly to ensure you get the money you need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our employment lawyers in Edina.
Legal Vs. Illegal Paycheck Deductions
Minnesota law allows employers to deduct money from their employees’ paychecks under certain conditions. While deductions for state and federal taxes may be legally withheld from your paycheck, there may be other deductions on your paycheck that are unlawful.
If your employer makes deductions they don’t have the authority to make, you have the right to file a lawsuit to recover the compensation you lost. Circumstances under which your employer can make legal deductions from your paycheck include:
- If there is a court order that requires deductions to be taken from your paycheck
- If your labor union has reached a collective bargaining agreement that allows certain deductions to be made
- If you work as a commissioned salesperson working under rules that allow for deductions related to performance issues
- If you voluntarily signed a written agreement to have the cost of a loan or purchase taken from your employer deducted from your wages
- If after equipment breaks, money is lost, or an employer incurs other losses, and you voluntarily give your employer written permission to deduct the losses from your wages, or a court finds you liable for the damages
Legal Deductions That Must Be Repaid
Additionally, there are expenses your lawyer can deduct from your wages that will need to be repaid once your employment ends. For example, your employer can deduct up to $50 from your wages for purchased or rented uniforms or equipment required for your job. Additionally, they can deduct the cost of consumable supplies and travel expenses.
However, these deductions can not reduce your wages to below the minimum wage and must be reimbursed after you leave your employment.
For a legal consultation with a illegal paycheck deductions lawyer serving Edina, call 612-349-2729
Don’t Miss the Filing Deadline for an Illegal Paycheck Deductions Lawsuit
When attempting to recover compensation from your employer following illegal paycheck deductions, it is critical that you hire an experienced illegal paycheck deductions attorney in Edina as soon as possible. Your lawyer will ensure that you meet all deadlines and give you the best chance of securing a favorable case result.
Under Minnesota law, those who have been victimized by illegal deductions have two years to file a lawsuit. However, if you can prove that your employer was willfully violating your rights, the deadline can be extended to three years.
Taking action as soon as possible after discovering that money was being illegally withheld is critical as there is a corresponding “look-back period” of two or three years, which allows you to recover losses going back the related amount of time from the date you file. Waiting to file until near the deadline could limit your recovery to a paycheck or two worth of losses.
Edina Illegal Paycheck Deductions Lawyer Near Me 612-349-2729
Employers Who Make Illegal Deductions Are Often Guilty of Other Employment Crimes
If you discover that your employer has been illegally deducting money from your paycheck, there is a good chance they have committed other employment crimes to maximize their profit margins.
When you hire an experienced illegal paycheck deductions lawyer serving Edina, they will investigate your employer and review your employment record to determine if your rights were violated in any other manner. Other common employment law violations include:
- Unpaid overtime
- Minimum wage violations
- Workplace discrimination
- Wrongful termination
If you were victimized by your employer in any manner, it is critical to obtain the services of an experienced employment lawyer who can help you hold your employer accountable and recover the money you need and deserve.
Click to contact our Edina Employment Lawyers today
Get Help From an Experienced Edina Illegal Paycheck Deductions Attorney Today
After discovering that your employer has been making illegal deductions from your paycheck, it is critical that you secure the services of an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. While it is possible to pursue legal action on your own, your chances of recovering the money you need and deserve will improve significantly with the help of a legal professional.
At Madia Law, we have a proven track record of securing significant compensation for our clients. We never shy away from taking a case to court and will do everything we can to ensure you receive the largest payout possible. Contact us today by completing our online contact form or giving us a call and schedule your free case evaluation with a member of our team.
Call 612-349-2729 or complete a Case Evaluation form