In Minneapolis, legal issues often arise in personal injury, securities litigation, police misconduct, and wrongful termination. These cases require specialized knowledge and courtroom experience to ensure a favorable outcome. Hiring a Minneapolis trial practice lawyer can make all the difference in your case.
At Madia Law, we know that navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially if you’re going up against a big corporation or a government agency. Whatever your reason for pursuing a civil lawsuit, our experienced Minnesota trial practice attorneys are well-versed in the strategies and tactics necessary to represent you in court effectively.
What We Do
Our law firm stands up for individuals against other individuals, the government, and corporations in a wide range of cases.
Our practice areas include civil rights, constitutional law, employment law, commercial litigation, police brutality, class actions, whistleblowers, serious injuries, medical malpractice, wrongful death, securities litigation, and other civil lawsuits.
Our Core Competency
Our core competency, above everything else, is trying cases before juries. We think like jurors and focus on refining complex facts into compelling narratives that juries find persuasive.
Of the thousands of pages of documents in your case, around ten matter to a jury. As trial attorneys, we identify and use them to create winning strategies for our clients.
If you think you want your case to settle and don’t need a trial lawyer, please think again. While it’s true that most cases settle, the best trial lawyers get the best settlements. The other side won’t give what it should until they are convinced they will lose in a jury trial. At Madia Law, we focus on helping them gain that clarity.
For a legal consultation with a trial practice lawyer serving Minneapolis, call 612-349-2729
Our Success-Based Fee Arrangements
We believe everyone should have access to the legal services they need, so we accept many of our cases without charging upfront.
As experienced trial practice lawyers in Minneapolis, we take pride in contingency fees and blended hourly/contingency arrangements. We believe in our ability to try cases so strongly that we welcome and insist on creative fee arrangements that tie fees to success.
Minneapolis Trial Practice Lawyer Near Me 612-349-2729
Our Past Case Results
We routinely take on some of the largest law firms in the country and get exceptional results.
Here are several examples of the results we’ve achieved for past clients:
- We tried a breach of fiduciary duty case before a jury on behalf of a minority shareholder in a limited liability company. One of Minnesota’s top five largest firms represented the defendant. Before trial, the largest offer by the defendant was $40,000. The jury returned a verdict of $1.3 million.
- We represented a small business sued in a wage and hour class action involving nearly 1,000 plaintiffs represented by one of the nation’s largest and best employment firms. The lowest offer to settle made by plaintiffs before trial was $2 million. We tried the case, and the jury dismissed most charges and returned a verdict of just $13,000.
- We represented a young man who claimed the St. Paul Police assaulted him. St. Paul refused to offer favorable settlement terms because it claimed it had not lost a police misconduct case at trial in 15 years. We tried the case and beat them; the jury awarded nearly $35,000 in punitive damages for the officers’ actions.
- We represented a small business that sued the downtown Minneapolis building it leased space from because faulty plumbing caused damage during a rainstorm. A large insurance company defense firm represented the defendant. Though they offered only $50,000 before trial, the jury returned a verdict of $298,000.
- We represented a businessman who sued his partner for breach of fiduciary duty. Another firm handled the matter for a year until the dissatisfied client switched to us. Before our representation, the best offer from the defendant was $2 million. We took over the discovery and handled depositions and motion practice. The defendant settled before trial for approximately $4.5 million.
- Another firm brought us into a breach of fiduciary duty case against a real estate agent and a large real estate company just three months before trial. Before our retention, the company’s best settlement offer was $2,000. After we were retained, the company offered $25,000 and later $50,000. We turned down their offers and tried the case. The jury awarded what we asked for: over $115,000.
- We were brought on three weeks before trial in a tortious interference with contract case. The district court had previously dismissed the case on summary judgment, but the Court of Appeals reversed and remanded for trial. The defense had made no settlement offers throughout the entire litigation. We tried the case, and the jury awarded $175,000 to our client.
- Another firm brought us into an age discrimination case about five weeks before trial. The district court had previously dismissed the case, but the Court of Appeals reversed and remanded for trial. The defense had made no settlement offers. Both clients had about $11,000 in damages, but the jury awarded $50,000 in damages to one, $25,000 to the other, and $25,000 in punitive damages to both.
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Madia Takes Cases on the Eve of Trial
We ramp up for a case quickly. In fact, clients (and other lawyers) often hire us just a few weeks before trial. One of the first things we’ll do with your case is develop the themes for our closing argument. We’ll think about exactly what we want our last words to be to the jury and what we want jurors to think about as they deliberate.
Based on the closing, we’ll develop our trial strategy: which witnesses to call and what we need from their testimony; what we want to develop in the cross; and how we’ll use documents and other exhibits to build the evidentiary record we’ll draw on in the closing.
Because we’ve tried so many cases and have experience with numerous judges and juries, we can quickly work through stacks of paper to identify and focus on the documents that will matter to a jury. We develop a case theme that’s clear, logical, and respectful of the jury.
Other Counsel
If you are a lawyer who’s handled a case to trial but feels that you need trial support, we’re here to help. We can assist in any way that would be helpful, whether it’s working with you on opening, closing, and trial exams, handling the case together, or representing the client on our own.
We understand your investment in getting the case to this point, your concern for your client, and the importance of finishing the job right. We’re confident in taking cases on the eve of trial and bringing them home.
Complete a Case Evaluation form now
Free Consultation With a Minneapolis Trial Practice Law Firm
Are you seeking guidance and representation for legal matters involving civil rights, police misconduct, or other complex cases? Our experienced Minneapolis trial practice lawyers at Madia Law are here to help. Whether you are an individual in need of legal help or another law firm in need of trial support, we want to learn more about your case.
Book your free consultation to discuss your situation, explore your options, and receive personalized advice tailored to your unique circumstances. Let us stand by your side and fight for justice. Your initial consultation is free, so take the first step towards securing a victory by scheduling your appointment today.
Call, text, or complete a free case evaluation form.
Call 612-349-2729 or complete a Case Evaluation form