Workplace sexual harassment is an ongoing problem despite many efforts made to prevent it and make work environments less hostile and more inclusive. Sexual harassment in the workplace can take many forms and put those being harassed in difficult positions. If you were the victim of harassment, an experienced Minnetonka sexual harassment attorney can help.
At Madia Law, we know the challenges faced by sexual harassment victims. Our team of experienced employment lawyers in Minnetonka can help you recover the compensation you need and deserve after suffering harassment. Contact us today by phone or through this site to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation with an attorney from our staff.
Types of Workplace Sexual Harassment
Workplace sexual harassment can usually be divided into the broad categories of quid pro quo and hostile work environment harassment. Both forms of harassment can be significantly damaging, and compensation may be available if you can prove that you were victimized.
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
With quid pro quo sexual harassment, an employer or someone in management offers an incentive to an employee in exchange for sexual favors. The benefit received by the employee can take the form of a raise, promotion, or other career advancement.
Quid pro quo harassment can also involve sexual favors in order to keep a job. An employer may request sexual favors to protect an employee from downsizing or a cutback in hours.
Whether you complied with the request for sexual favors or not, you could have a case against your employer. Quid pro quo sexual harassment can have a negative impact on your well-being whether you accept or reject the advances of your employer. An experienced Minnetonka sexual harassment attorney can help you file a lawsuit to recover compensation.
Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment
With this type of harassment, getting through the day at work can be a constant struggle. A hostile work environment can be created by physical and/or verbal harassment of a sexual nature. If you were the victim of inappropriate physical conduct or were subject to gender slurs, sexual jokes, or threats based on gender or sexual orientation, you could have a case.
When building a sexual harassment case based on a hostile work environment, it will help your case if you can prove that the harassment was ongoing rather than an isolated incident. Proving a pattern of misconduct will help your chances of recovering the compensation you need and deserve.
When working to prove your claim, you will need to show that the sexual advances made by your coworker or manager were unwelcome and severe enough that they made you uncomfortable at work. An experienced attorney can help with your case to ensure you recover the full amount your claim is worth.
For a legal consultation with a sexual harassment lawyer serving Minnetonka, call 612-349-2729
Proving Workplace Sexual Harassment
Unfortunately, proving workplace sexual harassment is often challenging. The majority of these cases are a victim’s word against that of their harasser. This is especially true with quid pro quo harassment, which almost always takes place behind closed doors with no witnesses. Fortunately, an experienced attorney can conduct a thorough investigation into your case.
Your lawyer can track down other current and former employees who may have endured similar harassment and work to establish a pattern of misconduct to help ensure a positive case result.
Steps You Can Take to Help Prove Your Case
While your attorney will work diligently to build a strong case on your behalf, there are steps you can take to help ensure your case is well documented and help provide your lawyer with useful evidence. Some of the things you can do to bolster your claim include:
- Documenting your experience in thorough detail each time you suffer sexual harassment
- Filing an internal complaint with management and human resources
- Saving all correspondence between your harasser, even messages that don’t contain any sexual context, to show that you never encouraged this behavior
- Collecting statements from witnesses or other victims that support your claims
- Filing a report with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Minnesota Department of Human Rights if your employer fails to promptly address and stop any harassment
Minnetonka Sexual Harassment Lawyer Near Me 612-349-2729
Statute of Limitations for Sexual Harassment in Minnetonka
When attempting to recover compensation through a sexual harassment lawsuit, it is critical that you pay attention to the filing deadline. Minnesota has one of the shortest statutes of limitations for sexual harassment cases of all states. If you are attempting to bring a lawsuit against your harasser, you will only have one year to file the appropriate paperwork with the court.
If filing a complaint with the EEOC, you will have 300 days from the last date of harassment to file your claim. Missing the filing deadlines will likely mean the loss of your right to pursue compensation.
Hiring an attorney is the best way to ensure that all your paperwork is filed on time and that your right to recover damages is protected against any further filing limitations your case may face. Speak to an experienced sexual harassment lawyer serving Minnetonka as soon as possible after suffering harassment to ensure your rights are protected.
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Reach Out to an Experienced Sexual Harassment Attorney in Minnetonka Today
When pursuing damages in a workplace sexual harassment claim, it is critical that you secure the services of an experienced sexual harassment attorney serving Minnetonka. While you can technically pursue a claim on your own, your chances of recovering the money you need will be significantly reduced compared to your odds when filing a lawsuit with the help of an attorney.
At Madia Law, our experienced team has helped countless sexual harassment victims recover the compensation they need and deserve. Contact us today by completing our online contact form or giving us a call and schedule a free case review with one of our attorneys.
Call 612-349-2729 or complete a Case Evaluation form